Push notifications were once a feature limited to the land of native apps with direct access to their mobile hardwares sound and wake functionality. However, web push notifications for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have extended almost the same functionality into mobile browsers with the use of service workers. Service workers are javascript workers that are completely separate from the DOM but can do things like sync data in the background and send push notifications.
ReadUsing React State and the Component Lifecycle `componentDidMount()`, `constructor()`, and other event handlers in GatsbyJS pages isn't immediately obvious, as most of the boiler plate starters available online use a `const` method for handling props and template components. By extending the `React.component` as a class of our page template, we can handle state within the GatsbyJS page component.
ReadThe foundations of the computational method for determining if a point lies within the boundaries of a 2 dimensional polygon, relies on the concept of counting how many times a ray intersects within the boundary of the polygon. If the count of the number of times a ray intersects a polygon is odd, than the point lies within the polygon.